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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

6 movements of high-intensity burning belly fat

Spring river warm duck prophet, weight becomes fat waist prophet. Every time we wait until the scale to find the numbers are soaring, in fact, before that, your waistband has given you many warnings, but are ignored by you.

Our belly is distributed with very important organs and organs, but in front of the belly is not protected by any bone structure, so our body is distributed with a lot of fat cells on the belly, using fat to protect the important human organs inside. One of the problems caused to us is that when we start to gain weight, it is often the belly that juts out first.

At the same time, when we accumulate thick fat on the stomach, in fact, the fat on the internal organs will also be over the limit, and the fat on the internal organs is far more threatening to our health than the subcutaneous fat. In terms of both body shape and health, we need to get rid of the potbelly. Let's start our abdominal fat burning and shaping training, each action training 30 seconds, rest 5 seconds between actions, cycle training 3-5 sets.

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Training movements 1   Side Leg Lift 

① Kneel on one knee and lateral support with the ground, above the hands, crossed waist, and the upper side of the leg straight leg extension.

② Lift the upper side leg straight leg upward as high as possible, then slowly lower it back to the ground.

③ The lower supporting hand should be placed directly below the shoulder, and the knee should be placed directly below the hip while kneeling, keeping the upper body flat.

④ Train for 30 seconds on each side.

fitness tips

Training movement 2   Reverse Bird Dog

① Lie on your back on the floor, raise your arms straight up toward the ceiling and raise your legs 90° with knees and hips bent.

② Lower your left arm straight above your head, while extending your right leg straight ahead. After raising the left arm high and the right leg bent knee-high, switch sides of the training.

③ Keep your lower back firmly on the ground.

fitness tips

Training movement 3   GB Leg Down 

① Lie on the ground with your legs bent at the knees, open your hands on both sides of your body and press on the ground, contract your glutes and push your hips upwards so that your thighs are in a straight line with your upper body.

② Lift the left leg off the ground and raise it to a height perpendicular to the ground, then lower the left leg straight down, then bend the knee back to the starting position. Then switch to the right leg for training.

③ Keep the thigh of the supporting leg in a straight line with the upper body at all times during training.

fitness tips

Training movement 4   Downward Dog Tuck

① Support the ground with your hands, bend your body down, straighten your legs, and land on your toes with your body in a straight line.

② Push your hips up and press your upper body down so that your arms are in a straight line with your upper body and your legs are straight. Then, as your body returns to the starting position, pull your left leg in the direction of the elbow in front of you by bending the knee.

③ Keep your upper body flat and straight at all times while training, do not bend over.

fitness tips

Training movement 5   Around the World

① Lie on your back with your arms straight above your head, lift your head off the ground and straighten your legs together and lift them off the ground.

② Pull your legs toward your head with your knees bent, while drawing your hands in circles on both sides of your body and touching the heels of your raised feet with your hands. Then extend the hands from the front side of the body upward with straight arms to the top of the head, and straighten the legs forward.

③ Training process always keeps the legs hanging in the air.

fitness tips

Training movement 6    Bear Twist

① Support the ground with your hands, bend your body down, bend your knees and hips 90°, land on your toes, and lift your knees off the ground.

② Lift the left leg off the ground, bend the knee and pull it in the direction of the left elbow, then turn the knee of the left leg to the outside of the right elbow, after the left leg returns to the right, then return the left foot to the starting position on the toes, and then switch sides of the training.

③ Hands supported on the ground directly below the shoulders, legs knees located directly below the hips, the upper body remains flat.

fitness tips

Want to more quickly and efficiently lose the waist and abdominal fat, we need abdominal core training based on the above, but also with diet control and aerobic exercise, reduce dietary calorie intake, adjust the diet structure, while improving the intensity of aerobic exercise and training time, accelerate the body's metabolic level, increase the body's calorie consumption, accelerate the burning of body fat. We through exercise, diet measures, after 4-6 weeks of persistence, you can achieve the elimination of waste and abdominal flab, sculpting the abdominal vest line training goals.

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